Psychometric principles (which concern the measurement of psychological constructs) are what distinguish true measures and surveys.
To design a Psychometric tool it is generally agreed that the following steps must be followed:
(see Muchinsky, 2004; Worthington & Whittaker, 2006 for more detail)
Psychometric principles emphasize that items should be distinct from each other, appropriate and derived using statistical analysis (e.g. structural equation modelling). A survey is a list of questions someone has pulled together. It is not based on science.
When we use out suite of Psychometrics, all our results are analysed by experienced Psychologists. This ensures psychometric principles are maintained and we know the recommendations and interventions we deliver are based on valid, reliable evidence. Research over the years has focused on Psychometric principles, but combined with the proliferation of surveys and tools to administer surveys, the amount of unreliable tools circulating is concerning, especially when businesses are investing £1000’s in tools which may not measure what they think. The ramifications can be devastating. To find out more and learn about the 5 questions you can ask to ensure you are using a valid tool please contact us at: